Many companies don't pay attention to conventional commits, we do, because we like to have a clean project history and workflows to read. Most of us use Git Graph (opens in a new tab), an extension that allows us to read our Git history as a graph. Our commits convention is inspired by Conventional Commits 1.0.0 (opens in a new tab) but customized into something more fun! 😄
The commit message should be structured as follows and in lowercase:
<gitmoji> <type> <description> [(#<issue number>)]
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
📝 update documentation contributors
- Add @jerembdn as a contributor
- Add @younesbessa as a contributor
Co-authored-by: Younes Bessa <>
But most of the time we avoid wasting a lot of time on it so it looks more like this:
📝 update documentation contributors
We use gitmoji (opens in a new tab) to categorize our commits, it has a good ecosystem and is very easy to use on a daily basis using these tools (opens in a new tab).
Otherwise here is the complete list of these emojis, their code and the description given to them:
Emoji | Code | Description |
🎨 | :art: | Improve structure / format of the code. |
⚡️ | :zap: | Improve performance. |
🔥 | :fire: | Remove code or files. |
🐛 | :bug: | Fix a bug. |
🚑️ | :ambulance: | Critical hotfix. |
✨ | :sparkles: | Introduce new features. |
📝 | :memo: | Add or update documentation. |
🚀 | :rocket: | Deploy stuff. |
💄 | :lipstick: | Add or update the UI and style files. |
🎉 | :tada: | Begin a project. |
✅ | :white_check_mark: | Add, update, or pass tests. |
🔒️ | :lock: | Fix security or privacy issues. |
🔐 | :closed_lock_with_key: | Add or update secrets. |
🔖 | :bookmark: | Release / Version tags. |
🚨 | :rotating_light: | Fix compiler / linter warnings. |
🚧 | :construction: | Work in progress. |
💚 | :green_heart: | Fix CI Build. |
⬇️ | :arrow_down: | Downgrade dependencies. |
⬆️ | :arrow_up: | Upgrade dependencies. |
📌 | :pushpin: | Pin dependencies to specific versions. |
👷 | :construction_worker: | Add or update CI build system. |
📈 | :chart_with_upwards_trend: | Add or update analytics or track code. |
♻️ | :recycle: | Refactor code. |
➕ | :heavy_plus_sign: | Add a dependency. |
➖ | :heavy_minus_sign: | Remove a dependency. |
🔧 | :wrench: | Add or update configuration files. |
🔨 | :hammer: | Add or update development scripts. |
🌐 | :globe_with_meridians: | Internationalization and localization. |
✏️ | :pencil2: | Fix typos. |
💩 | :poop: | Write bad code that needs to be improved. |
⏪️ | :rewind: | Revert changes. |
🔀 | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: | Merge branches. |
📦️ | :package: | Add or update compiled files or packages. |
👽️ | :alien: | Update code due to external API changes. |
🚚 | :truck: | Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes). |
📄 | :page_facing_up: | Add or update license. |
💥 | :boom: | Introduce breaking changes. |
🍱 | :bento: | Add or update assets. |
♿️ | :wheelchair: | Improve accessibility. |
💡 | :bulb: | Add or update comments in source code. |
🍻 | :beers: | Write code drunkenly. |
💬 | :speech_balloon: | Add or update text and literals. |
🗃️ | :card_file_box: | Perform database related changes. |
🔊 | :loud_sound: | Add or update logs. |
🔇 | :mute: | Remove logs. |
👥 | :busts_in_silhouette: | Add or update contributor(s). |
🚸 | :children_crossing: | Improve user experience / usability. |
🏗️ | :building_construction: | Make architectural changes. |
📱 | :iphone: | Work on responsive design. |
🤡 | :clown_face: | Mock things. |
🥚 | :egg: | Add or update an easter egg. |
🙈 | :see_no_evil: | Add or update a .gitignore file. |
📸 | :camera_flash: | Add or update snapshots. |
⚗️ | :alembic: | Perform experiments. |
🔍️ | :mag: | Improve SEO. |
🏷️ | :label: | Add or update types. |
🌱 | :seedling: | Add or update seed files. |
🚩 | :triangular_flag_on_post: | Add, update, or remove feature flags. |
🥅 | :goal_net: | Catch errors. |
💫 | :dizzy: | Add or update animations and transitions. |
🗑️ | :wastebasket: | Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up. |
🛂 | :passport_control: | Work on code related to authorization, roles and permissions. |
🩹 | :adhesive_bandage: | Simple fix for a non-critical issue. |
🧐 | :monocle_face: | Data exploration/inspection. |
⚰️ | :coffin: | Remove dead code. |
🧪 | :test_tube: | Add a failing test. |
👔 | :necktie: | Add or update business logic. |
🩺 | :stethoscope: | Add or update healthcheck. |
🧱 | :bricks: | Infrastructure related changes. |
🧑💻 | :technologist: | Improve developer experience. |
💸 | :money_with_wings: | Add sponsorships or money related infrastructure. |
🧵 | :thread: | Add or update code related to multithreading or concurrency. |
🦺 | :safety_vest: | Add or update code related to validation. |
✈️ | :airplane: | Improve offline support. |
We use the following commit types:
Type | Description |
add | Add a new feature |
fix | Fix a bug |
improve | Improve something |
update | Update something |
remove | Remove something |
refactor | Refactor something |
rename | Rename something |
move | Move a file or folder |
upgrade | Upgrade dependencies |
downgrade | Downgrade dependencies |
The description should be a short description of the commit, it should be written in the imperative, present tense. For example:
# Good
📝 update documentation contributors
# Bad
📝 updated documentation contributors
Issue number
If the commit is related to an issue, you can add the issue number at the end of the description, for example:
📝 update documentation contributors (#123)
The body should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior. It should be written in the imperative, present tense. For example:
# Good
📝 update documentation contributors
- Add @jerembdn as a contributor
- Add @younesbessa as a contributor
Co-authored-by: Younes Bessa <>
# Bad
📝 update documentation contributors
- Added @jerembdn as a contributor
- Added @younesbessa as a contributor
Co-authored-by: Younes Bessa <>